Friday, May 7, 2010

parametric fireplace

well i finally got the parametric(note 2 versions above) fireplace done, i likely overcomplicated it by creating many interlocked layers/reference planes (rough opening,exterior finish, exterior brick, 2" air space, interior brick) all in the fire box component. These were created in a wall hosted family so that i could create parametric openings in the wall it is hosted in. The intent being that the nested chimney and the fireplace would create a wall opening, but i found that if the chimney is placed in front or behind the wall, an unsightly opening is still created. This is not such a problem as i am planing on placing the chimney mid wall. I was able to make sure that the fireplace assembly would parametrically re size from the centerline, i this way the left and right assemblies (rough opening,exterior finish, exterior brick, 2" air space, interior brick) will not overlap.

I found that using handles(arrows) to modify parameters caused the family to shift position on the hosting wall; whereas entering the parameters numerically did not, in both cases the parameters behaved symmetrically(as designed).

I ran into some troubles with voids not cutting through masses, even though the masses were created before the voids. I created a work around by modifying the masses/extrusions so they were perforated...this took 2 hrs and i was able to create mass and voids in another test file with no trouble. Revit is a little frustrating, and mysterious.

Another little mystery has to do with a handle on the nested chimney family moving the family in the opposite direction than anticipated. I was unable to sort out why, so after an hour i decided to let it be and just move the handle in the opposite direction, i would like to fix this.

I think i'm most proud of getting the openings in the wall to be parametric to the rough opening reference, as well as the chimney void. I also found it is possible to copy parametrized reference planes along with their dimensions, then paste and rotate them as a group. This was a time saver as it helped in the creation of my left and right side planes. I've locked in the 1" finish 4" brick 2" air gap 4" brick dimensions, so these do not change as the fireplace dimensions are shifted.

I do like many of revits features, and particularly like the reference plane method of working.
I'm sure with more time and use i'll get the hang of this.

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